The Lutheran Church of Saint Mark
75 Griswold Street
Glastonbury, CT 06033
(860) 633-1188
Worship services & special videos at
Events & pictures at
A self-service (unstaffed) pre-school nursery room with toddler toys and a child-sized bathroom is available during the worship service. Down the Narthex (hallway), by the sanctuary, make a right at the Martin Luther window & it's the first door on the right in the next hallway.
Sunday Evening Bible Study - 6 - 7:30 pm in the Fellowship Lounge.
Informal discussions cover a wide variety of subjects, all relating to the Bible.
Our next study series begins Jan. 19, as we view & discuss the TV series, "The Chosen."
We'll begin with Episode 1 from Season 1, where Jesus begins calling the disciples & demonstrating proper fishing technique.

We recently completed a study of Words of Love: A Healing Journey with the Ten Commandments by Eugenia Anne Gamble. This book offers a new perspective on each of the commandments, and participants found it helped them shine the light of the gospel on everyday activities.

We've also looked at Everyday Spirituality, Discover a Life of Hope, Peace & Meaning, by former New England Synod Bishop Jim Hazelwood.
Described as "an invitation to honor ordinary experiences as holy ground. We don’t have to go to on a retreat or sign up for spirituality lessons – we can stay where we are and sense divine presence in what we do each day."
Both books are available at the usual booksellers.