The Lutheran Church of Saint Mark
75 Griswold Street
Glastonbury, CT 06033
(860) 633-1188
Worship services & special videos at
Events & pictures at
Pastor Hoffman Leaving for Colorado
This past year has been a time of deep prayer & discernment for everyone at Saint Mark as we seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives & ministry. As a result of my discernment process, I believe that the Holy Spirit is calling me to step aside as the pastor at Saint Mark. Therefore, I have accepted a call to serve as pastor for Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in Grand Junction, Colorado.
Our journey & mutual ministry together have been a wonderfully unique & unusual 7½ years. There were no classes on leading a congregation through a pandemic, but through it we traveled. When we emerged out the other side, we found we were still alive & committed to growing our relationships with each other & the community. I have watched you grow in faith & spirit, in prayer & service. It is an honor to have been part of your journey -- as a congregation & as individuals. Though our paths will diverge, your journey will continue. I do believe that there is still much that God can do through Saint Mark, but it will require a leader with a different skill set & strengths than those with which God has gifted me.
My last Sunday as your pastor will be January 19, 2025. The mutual ministry committee & I will work with the executive committee to bring closure to my call here at Saint Mark. The synod is aware of my new call & will be working with the council to look at the next steps for Saint Mark.
I give thanks for every one of you & for every moment of our time together. I, too, have grown in many ways over these past years. You have taught me & stretched me & showered me with your appreciation. I am grateful for the ministry that we have been able to do together in God's name, here in Glastonbury & across the world. Know that I will carry you in my heart & in my prayers as I follow the Holy Spirit's movement in my own faith journey.
Your servant & sister in Christ,
Pastor Cheryl Hoffman
One of the first slides, if not the first, in Reverend Mark Lingle’s, the synod transitional support person, presentation to the council stated, “Transition is the New Normal.” This comes as no surprise to me, as in my 39 years worshiping here, St. Mark has had 5 pastors. Most of us have probably either changed companies, or jobs within the same company. When a pastor becomes aware via the Spirit’s nudging that a change is needed, we trust they don’t leave the ministry. The other choice is another call.
St. Mark has done very well with past transitions. None of our pastors have left due to conflicts. We have the Marshhausens back as members. Many of us have kept up with the Bourrets, and the carolers even paid Pat Bourret a visit. The Ekebergs are in our prayers. Members have kept up with Lydia. We’re hoping that Pastor Hoffman might stay in touch periodically and update us on her adventures in the mountains.
In addition, we are very blessed to have a good financial structure and systems. We completed an audit with no significant issues last year. Pastor Hoffman has assured me that St. Mark’s congregational report to the synod will be done before she departs. We already have started the process of reviewing our mission and future possibilities, which are a natural part of the call process. This all means that St. Mark is in a good position to begin the transition process.
January 19th: Pastor’s last service at St. Mark. Following the service, there will be a reception.
At the 25th ordination celebration, Pastor received an icon from us. After deducting the cost of the icon and food, there was around $1000 left. This will be paid to her at the end of employment (details to be worked out) that will help in her transition period between calls. In addition, due to your wonderful generosity, she also has the Christmas gift money to use. We will have a remembrance book available in the coming weeks for you to write your comments and perhaps include a favorite picture.
Pastor’s last day of employment will be around the end of January (exact date depends on pay periods). The Council and Property committee will work with her on making her move as smooth as possible. Please feel free to contact me or any member of council with any concerns.
Finally, thank Pastor for her time with us, and wish her Godspeed and success in her new call.
Ray Frick
Council President