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The Lutheran Church of Saint Mark is a member of the New England Synod of churches in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The ELCA has about 4-million members in nearly 10,000 congregations across  the U.S.   Saint Mark has served the community & neighbors of Glastonbury since 1885. 


We believe the Bible to be God's Inspired Word by which God guides our faith and our lives. We teach that humanity is saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ. We are centered in Christ; teaching his Word; administering his sacraments; seeking to serve him both in life and in mission.  All who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior may partake of the Holy Eucharist.


As a Lutheran congregation we are a part of a rich heritage and in mission programs & activities, both locally & around the world. We have joined the ELCA Covenant to Care for Creation, to become a more careful consumer of Earth's resources. We are a member of Glastonbury Links Together & Manchester Area Conference of Churches (MACC)

organizations providing food for hungry families.


We are a welcoming congregation.








We trust in God's Promises.
We base our work and actions on Christ's love and teachings.
We practice spiritual disciplines to be receptive to the influence of the Holy Spirit.
We welcome, nurture and respect each other.
We serve our congregation, our local community and the world.





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